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Bielefeld. Two strong partners are combining their know-how to speed up the development of innovative automation solutions: DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT and HEITEC AG are founding the joint venture “DMG MORI HEITEC“ – perfectly timed to coincide with the start of the SPS IPC Drives in Nuremberg, the leading trade fair in Europe for electric automation.
Through DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH the two companies are continuing their successful collaboration over the past years and are mutually strengthening their market position in the fast-growing field of automation. Of the more than 1,000 employees at the HEITEC group, around 600 work on automation solutions. One in four new machines from DMG MORI is already provided with an automation solution. In future every machine shall be fitted with automation on the basis of a modular system. By modular-based compatible solutions DMG MORI HEITEC will supply small and medium-sized companies with an integrated automation concept.
Software-based support for engineering processes using virtual models of machines, plants, robot applications and material flows is an essential measure to reduce costs, while simultaneously increasing productivity. DMG MORI HEITEC GmbH, based in Erlangen, has therefore set itself the goal of developing a virtual representation – in short “digital twin”. With the aid of digital engineering, project lead times can be cut by around 20%, and commissioning on site can be even more significantly reduced by up to 80%. Future additions or changes can be planned and tested with the digital twin running in parallel to the live operation.
“We are strengthening our automation expertize as two equal partners in a joint venture. Thus, the development of the digital twin is of key importance: it speeds up and stabilizes all the customer processes – from development and setting up right through to service – and ensures flexible, steady procedures,“ says Christian Thönes, Chairman of the Executive Board of DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT.
“Through automation and digitalization we are making a significant contribution towards increasing productivity and efficiency. Supported by digital engineering we are achieving a considerably higher quality with shorter through-put times in development and commissioning,” says Richard Heindl, Chairman of the Executive Board of HEITEC AG.
In the future, automation standards are also planned for a broad range of customer sectors and the realization of customized projects specifically for medium-sized companies, that is, the German “Mittelstand“.
The Executive Board The Executive Board
Tanja Figge
Head of Corporate Communications
Investor Relations
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Company Profiles
manufacturer worldwide of machine tools. The group sales revenues of the “Global One Company“
reached more than € 3 billion in fiscal year 2016. The range of products includes turning and milling
machines as well as Advanced Technologies, such as ULTRASONIC, LASERTEC and ADDITIVE
MANUFACTURING, plus automation and integrated technology solutions. Our technology excellence is bundled within the main sectors of aerospace, automotive, die & mold, and medical. With our APP-based control and operating software CELOS and our exclusive technology cycles and Powertools, we are actively shaping Industrie 4.0. More than 10,000 DMG MORI machines fitted with CELOS have been supplied so far. DMG MORI is offering its customers and suppliers an integrated and open digital solution with the new, non-proprietary IIoT platform ADAMOS. Our customer-focused services covering the entire life cycle of a machine tool include training, maintenance, repair, and a replacement parts service. Our
partner program “DMG MORI Qualified Products (DMQPs)“ allows us to offer perfectly matched peripheral products from one source. More than 12,000 employees work at the “Global One Company“.
DMG MORI is represented worldwide by 14 production plants and 157 sales and service locations, and supplies customers in 42 different industrial sectors in 79 countries. HEITEC is known for industrial expertise in automation and electronics and offers solutions, products and services encompassing software, mechanical engineering and electronics. With its first-class technical, reliable and economic solutions, HEITEC helps over 2,000 customers increase their productivity and optimize their products. More than 1,000 employees at numerous locations in Germany and abroad ensure guaranteed customer proximity and industrial expertise.
Forward-looking statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, which are based on current estimates of the management regarding future developments. Such statements are based on the management's current expectations and specific assumptions. They are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause the actual circumstances including the results of operations, financial position and net worth DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT to differ materially from or be more negative than those expressly or implicitly assumed or described in these statements. The business activities of DMG MORI
AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT are subject to a range of risks and uncertainties, which may likewise render a forward-looking statement, estimate or forecast inaccurate. Should one of these factors of uncertainty or other unforeseeable event occur, or should the assumptions on which these statements are based prove incorrect, the actual results may differ materially from the results expressed, expected, anticipated, intended, planned, aimed at, estimated, projected or implied in these statements. Forward-looking statements must not be understood as a guarantee or assurance of the future developments or events
contained therein.
Note: Up-to-date images can be found at http://www.ag.dmgmori.com. All information on the DMG MORI group can also be found on Twitter at @DMGMORIAG
DMG MORI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT | Gildemeisterstraße 60 | D-33689 Bielefeld
T: +49 (0) 52 05 / 74-30 01 | F: +49 (0) 52 05 / 74-30 81 | Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea. | www.ag.dmgmori.com
Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Klinkner, Chairman; Hermann Lochbihler, Stellvertreter
Executive Board: Dipl.-Kfm. Christian Thönes, chairman; Dipl.-Kfm. Björn Biermann; Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Maurice Eschweiler
Commercial Register of the Local Court: HRB 7144